GET /linkedevents/v1/event/matko:2144/?format=api
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    "id": "matko:2144",
    "location": {
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    "registration": null,
    "super_event": null,
    "event_status": "EventScheduled",
    "type_id": "General",
    "external_links": [],
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    "data_source": "matko",
    "publisher": "ytj:0586977-6",
    "sub_events": [],
    "images": [],
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    "in_language": [],
    "audience": [],
    "created_time": null,
    "last_modified_time": "2016-05-04T13:11:22.300469Z",
    "date_published": "2016-06-09T22:00:00Z",
    "start_time": "2016-06-10",
    "end_time": "2016-10-02",
    "custom_data": null,
    "environmental_certificate": null,
    "environment": null,
    "audience_min_age": null,
    "audience_max_age": null,
    "super_event_type": null,
    "deleted": false,
    "maximum_attendee_capacity": null,
    "minimum_attendee_capacity": null,
    "enrolment_start_time": null,
    "enrolment_end_time": null,
    "local": true,
    "replaced_by": null,
    "short_description": null,
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    "description": {
        "fi": "Amerikkalainen Alice Neel (1900-1984) oli yksi 1900-luvun merkittävimpiä figuratiivisia maalareita. Hänet tunnetaan erityisesti omaperäisistä muotokuvistaan, joissa taiteilija kuvaa malliensa persoonallisuutta kaunistelematta ja suoraan. Vaikka Alice Neelin ekspressiivinen taide on vaikuttanut voimakkaasti sekä hänen omiin aikalaisiinsa että moniin kansainvälisiin nykytaiteilijoihin, hän on kuitenkin jäänyt suhteellisen tuntemattomaksi suuren yleisön keskuudessa. Ateneumin taidemuseon järjestämä näyttelykattaa noin 70 maalausta ja se onkin vasta toinen Neelin laaja esittely Euroopassa.",
        "sv": "I sommar presenterar Ateneum som första museum i Finland en retrospektiv utställning av amerikanskan Alice Neel (1900-1984). Neel gick sin egen väg och hörde till 1900-talets mest betydelsefulla figurativa målare under en tid då konstfältet dominerades av män.",
        "en": "Alice Neel (1900-1984) was one of the foremost figurative American painters of the 20th century. She is best known for her distinctive style of portraiture, where her models are painted without glorification, in a very straightforward manner. Even though Neel and her work had a strong influence on both the artists of her time and on international contemporary artists, the exhibition, arranged and lead by Ateneum Art Museum, is only the second major presentation of her work in Europe. Comprising approximately 70 paintings, the exhibition has been curated by Jeremy Lewison."
    "location_extra_info": null,
    "name": {
        "fi": "Alice Neel",
        "sv": "Alice Neel",
        "en": "Alice Neel"
    "info_url": {
        "fi": "",
        "sv": "",
        "en": ""
    "provider": null,
    "@id": "",
    "@context": "",
    "@type": "Event/LinkedEvent"